Desstiny Etik0 marriage, 10 things Actress Desstiny Etikk0 has kept away from the public

 About Jerry Williams And Destiny Etiko Relationship, Married, Movies, Photos, Marriage, Wedding Pictures, Dating Rumours: Everything You Should Know.

Plus 15 Hot Photos Of Destiny Etiko And Jerry.

Jerry Williams and Destiny Etiko are two Nollywood stars who are often paired together as lovers, couples, husband and wife in movies.

This has got fans asking if Jerry Williams and Destiny are married in real life, if they are dating or in a relationship.Jerry Williams while answering an interview question on if he is dating Destiny said that he and Destiny Etiko are friends but that they are not dating or in a relationship. Jerry revealed his fans have been asking him to marry Destiny Etiko in real life because they look good together as couple

Jerry and Destiny Etiko are not married in real life, they are not dating, and they are not in a relationship. They are just colleagues who are often paired together as husband and wife or as boyfriend and girlfriend but they are not in boyfriend and girlfriend romantic relationship.


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